Finding Balance in a World of Extremes

Why I’m writing about wine while drinking less
Finding Balance in a World of Extremes
Finding Balance in a World of Extremes

Why I'm Writing About Wine

In a world where extremes often dominate the conversation—where it’s all or nothing, good or bad, black or white—I find solace in balance. This principle of finding balance is the core reason I’m writing about wine at a time when I’m consciously cutting back on drinking. It’s not a contradiction; it’s a testament to my belief that life is best lived in harmony with our unique needs, desires, and makeups. 


Focusing on Mindful Drinking

Each one of us is different, and the notion of a one-size-fits-all approach to what is “good” or “bad” for us simply doesn’t resonate with me. For some, zero alcohol is the path to their best life. I respect that choice wholeheartedly. For me, balance is the key to a mindful and joyful existence. That includes practicing yoga, hiking with my Sadie (my dog), going for a 5 mile run, and enjoying wine.

To be be clear, I’m not advocating for excessive drinking. Alcohol, in large amounts, is undoubtedly detrimental to our health. But for me, a glass of wine, savored mindfully, brings a joy that enriches my life. I love the flavors, aromas, and history found in each bottle. Discovering a perfect food and wine pairing, learning about different wine regions, understanding production methods, and visiting wine regions around the world fascinates me.

Balancing Enjoyment and Health

There’s something profoundly fulfilling about ending a day with friends and family, gathered around a table filled with delicious food, sharing stories, laughter, and a thoughtfully chosen wine. This to me, is the essence of good living.

Talking about wine is not about promoting frequent or excessive drinking. It’s about savoring life’s pleasures in moderation. It’s about understanding and respecting the importance of not drinking too much. And, it’s about recognizing the value of balanced living. My balance includes getting a good night sleep, engaging in daily workouts, meditating regularly, and cooking healthy meals.

Living mindfully also means making time for friends and family, carving out moments for myself, and feeling comfortable with both saying “no” and embracing “yes” as it aligns with my needs. This holistic approach to balance nurtures my body, mind, and spirit.

Celebrating the Joy of Wine

So, why am I talking about wine when I’m consciously cutting back? Because it symbolizes a piece of the broader puzzle of a well-balanced life. It’s a celebration of the simple pleasures that make life rich and meaningful. And in this balance, I find my way to a healthier, happier me. The point is to celebrate not just wine, but the life that makes it worth savoring.


The Author

About Many Escapes

A blog where wellness, travel and the love of food and wine converge.


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