A Benefits of a Morning Routine

How to incorporate simple steps to start your day off right.
The Benefits of a Morning Routine
The Benefits of a Morning Routine

Sometimes I wish I had four days just for me. Focus on my own needs and personal growth. That’s a bit unrealistic at this time in life. I mean, I can certainly get away for a few days, but I’m not looking for this type of me-time once a year, so I find ways to fit it in where I can. That’s where my morning routine comes in and for me, it’s my guiding light. I love—absolutely love— my morning routine. It grounds my day, starts me off on the right foot. It’s early, but I’ve grown to love the quiet of the morning and will do anything I can to make it happen Monday-Friday (weekends are a bit more flexible).

I believe morning routines would benefit everyone, but how that routine plays out is individually unique. For me, starting my day doing things that bring me happiness and are good for my body and mind is essential.

Morning Routine

  • Waking before the rest of the house, usually 5:30-5:45 am
  • Throwing on workout clothes, gabbing a water bottle with fresh lemon, heading straight to our ‘garage gym’
  • Diving into a 30-50 minute workout
  • Settling into a 10 minute meditation

Although I’ve read about the benefits of meditating first thing in the morning, I like to start with my workout. This can take a lot of forms—a Peloton ride; barre workout; toning workout, yoga, or a combination. I usually decide what I’m going to do as I step into the garage depending on how my body is feeling. I’ve gotten good at listening to what I need, even knowing when I need to give myself an extra push to work a bit harder. A bonus is that I drink 30-60 oz of water before 8:00 am!

After my workout, I spend 10 min doing some type of meditation practice, whether guided from one of my favorite apps, using an unguided timer with relaxing background sounds, or sitting in silence. It starts me off with a feeling of presence—something I try to come back to often throughout the day with some days seeing more success than others. It’s also helped me learn how to notice thoughts and take more control over how strongly to cling to them. In most cases, it means letting them go, reacting less and observing how they impact my body, mind and wellbeing.

All of this takes about an hour when I have the time. But, if I have an early meeting or need to get the kids out the door, I adjust and do my best to fit both the workout and the meditation into the time I have available. Even a 15 min workout and 5 min meditation is better than nothing, and I feel so much better when I start things off with some movement. Once I get to work, I feel less stress, in part, thanks to the workout and mediation and, in part, knowing that I don’t have to worry about if and when I’m going to fit those things in. It also helps me make good choices, especially when it comes to eating a healthy breakfast and lunch.

The Weekend Edit

Weekends are a different story. I like to get more sleep and typically wake up after my husband feeling very well rested. Usually on one weekend day, I’ll go for a trail run with a good friend of mine, which is always a great workout and a good chance to catch up. The other day I’ll do a trail run while listening to something motivational—podcast or audiobook. We lucky to live by a number of beautiful, hilly trails, so runs are challenging and give me the opportunity to escape into restorative scenery.

It took some time to find the right balance for my mornings, but once I did, it became simple to stick with it and a game changer for my overall wellbeing. There’s something about being the first one awake, starting my day while the house has yet to stir, that brings me a lot of peace. When I walk outside to head to the gym and the stars are still shining bright in the sky, I can sense the expansiveness of the world and gain some perspective.

So, whether it’s a cup of tea or a cup of coffee, a workout or a meditation, reading or writing, or something else all together, find a way to start off on the right foot. Even if it means setting your alarm earlier than you’d like. I promise that after a few weeks, you’ll adjust and be grateful for the extra you-time.


The Author

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